We Need A SAAC Representative

I was a member of the Student Athletics Advisory Committee as a representative of the Men’s Cross Country Team for four years and expanded my role to being an executive for my last two. Through this position I was able to participate as an advocate for my fellow student athletes across campus and help bring issues to light with other student organizations as I was also a member of the Student Government Association.

Coach Fritsch said the title line to the Men’s Cross Country team my freshman year during our first team meeting and looked at me while he pitched it to me as a great opportunity to help the team. It hooked me, but I have to say that he really undersold the experience. I learned how to advocate for others who may have felt voiceless, helping bring needed changes to campus for all Student Athletes, especially after working with the other executives on my third year to restructure SAAC to increase our involvement. Our executive leadership committee was able to increase how much SAAC accomplishes each semester by dividing the responsibilities and made mine campus involvement; my mission being to help get students and athletes to interact more and decrease the divide between the general student body and the student athletes. I organized events such as the annual Hawk-Walk and a Viterbo School Formal (more on that next) and had successful turnouts in each. Learning what it takes to advocate for others and learning how to build an executive teams that are capable of running an organization effectively are strong skills that I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to learn and grow from through being a representative in the Student Athletics Advisory committee.